
VERDIS Group ansluter sig till Science Based Targets Initiative

Vi inom Verdis Group har valt att ansluta oss till i Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), som är ett globalt erkänt vetenskapsbaserat program, med syftet att hjälpa företag sätta mål för att minska sina utsläpp av växthusgaser.

Vi vill att VERDIS verksamhet ska bidra till en mer hållbar framtid, och att både vår målsättning och de beslut vi fattar ska vara baserade på vetenskap. Alla måste dra sitt strå till stacken för att den globala uppvärmningen inte ska överstiga 1,5 grader.

Genom att gå med i SBTi åtar vi oss att utifrån den senaste klimatvetenskapen sätta både kort- och långsiktiga mål inom ramen för våra möjligheter. Detta inkluderar också att utveckla planer mot klimatneutralitet år 2050 i enlighet med Parisavtalet.

Vi vill minska VERDIS klimatavtryck, och vår nyckelprioritet är att reducera våra koldioxidutsläpp. Det ligger helt i linje med våra miljömål att ständigt optimera våra transportlösningar för att minska vår miljöpåverkan. Vi vet att det är avgörande för att skydda vår planet för kommande generationer.

Utöver att vårt åtagande i SBTi gynnar både klimatet och miljön, är vi övertygade om att VERDIS affärsverksamhet också stärks – och att det ger oss konkurrensfördelar. Framtiden tillhör dem som tar ansvar för sitt klimatavtryck och agerar därefter.

VERDIS Group kommer inom kort ytterligare beskriva vår hållbarhetsstrategi och konkretisera de åtgärder som krävs för att vi ska uppfylla våra ambitiösa mål. Vi ser detta åtagande som ett viktigt steg mot att bli ett grönare och mer hållbart företag.

Pelle Bjurenborg


Cube concludes largest co-investment program to date with Railpen’s entry into Verdis

Luxembourg, September 3, 2024 – Cube Infrastructure Managers (“Cube”) is pleased to announce that Railpen, one of the UK’s largest pension managers, has acquired a 25% stake in Verdis (formerly Urbaser Nordic), the leading Nordic municipal waste collection operator.

This transaction concludes Cube’s largest co-investment program to date, following earlier co-investments into the Verdis platform by two of Cube’s existing investors.

Railpen, responsible for managing £35 billion of assets on behalf of over 350,000 members, has invested directly in Verdis, while two LPs – a US public pension fund and a Japanese institution – invested via Cube-managed co-investment vehicles.

The co-investment program provides Cube’s investors and capital partners the opportunity to invest in a high-quality platform benefitting from positive secular trends and supportive regulation driving growth in the Nordic waste sector.

Acquired by Cube in November 2023, Verdis is an essential infrastructure service provider delivering municipal waste collection services to more than 6 million inhabitants in c.100 municipalities across Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. Since the acquisition, Cube has supported Verdis in expanding its core municipal waste collection activity. Verdis’ revenues are underpinned by a diversified portfolio of medium to long-term contracts with local authorities, which are largely availability-based and inflation-indexed, providing strong resilience through economic cycles. The company has established itself as a leader in sustainable operations, with c.50% of its truck fleet being electric or biofuel-powered.

Verdis marked Cube Infrastructure Fund III’s 12th investment and its second in the municipal waste collection sector. The Fund has total commitments of €1.35 billion and additional co-investment commitments of over €250 million.

For Railpen, the investment in Verdis marks Railpen’s first direct infrastructure investment in the Nordics and the municipal waste collection sector. The investment reflects Railpen‘s continued commitment to investing in essential infrastructure within established and growing sectors, both in the UK and other developed markets.

Renaud de Matharel, Chairman & CEO of Cube Infrastructure Managers, commented: “We are pleased to welcome Railpen as a co-shareholder in Verdis, joining Cube Infrastructure Fund III and our existing LPs. This co-investment will provide further growth capital to the platform, support its ongoing expansion and strengthen its position as a significant player in Europe’s waste management sector.”

Tim Grimstone, Investment Manager at Railpen, added: “We are delighted to establish this partnership with Cube, marking a significant milestone for our infrastructure investment platform on behalf of the railways pensions schemes. Verdis represents an important addition to our Growth Infrastructure Portfolio, with it being the first in the Nordics and the environmental services sector. We have strong conviction on the future growth of Verdis given its critical role in the waste sector – an essential service and building block of the circular economy – and its leadership in vehicle fleet electrification. We look forward to the progress our partnership will make.”


About Cube Infrastructure Managers


Cube Infrastructure Managers is an independent mid-market infrastructure investor. Founded in 2007, Cube joins deep sector knowledge with operational and financial expertise to pioneer and transform essential infrastructure assets serving local communities across Europe. We create value by empowering management teams and growing infrastructure platforms in sectors underpinned by long-term environmental, social and technological megatrends, such as energy transition, telecoms, transport and environment.

Cube has raised and managed over €4.3 billion of institutional capital across four funds as well as co-investment vehicles. The firm has successfully made more than 45 investments across Europe and will continue to invest in profitable and responsible investment opportunities with strong growth potential.


About Railpen


  • Railpen, founded in 1965, is one of the largest and longest-established pension investment managers and administrators in the UK.
  • It oversees £35 billion in assets for over 350,000 members of the UK railways pension schemes.
  • Railpen (formerly known as RPMI and RPMI Railpen) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
  • Railpen runs the railways pensions schemes on behalf of its parent, the Railways Pension Trustee Company Limited (RPTCL).

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About Verdis


Verdis, formerly known as Urbaser Nordic, is a leader in municipal waste collection and sustainable waste management in the Nordic region. Its mission is to lead the way to a sustainable future through innovative and environmentally friendly solutions. Across the Nordic countries, Verdis serves c.100 municipalities and more than 6 million inhabitants.

Brist på behöriga chaufförer

Det är brist på behöriga chaufförer i vår bransch och vi ser att problemet växer. Verdis har tagit fram en rapport som belyser problemet. Du kan läsa rapporten här.

Verdis var på plats i Almedalen juni 2024 för att diskutera problemet med kompetensbrist inom branschen vad gäller behöriga chaufförer. Verdis vd Pelle Bjurenborg och Mikael Nyberg, Verdis produktionschef på Gotland diskuterade med politiker och näringsliv på Verdis seminarium i Almedalen. Du kan se seminariet här